<aside> 💡 This page documents the development process engineers should follow to submit changes to the git repositories.


1. Initialize the repository in your local

## clona el repo
git clone <http://github/materialui> 

## viaja a la rama develop
git checkout develop

2. Starting with a new feature

git fetch ## actualiza las ramas actuales

git checkout -b InputText ## crea tu rama donde va tu componente

3. Writing code

## all code you want and commit it
git add .
git commit -m "component finished"

4. Send your entire branch to the remote repository

## merge inteligente, permite checar si hay confictos

git rebase origin/dev

## arreglas conflictos y commiteas si es necesario

git push origin InputText ##

git checkout develop

git pull origin develop

5. Go to GitHub & pull requests manually